So… This is really hard to say, but I feel that I have to tell the truth. You all deserve to know.
I don’t really like Doctor Who.
There. I said it. I’m awhovian.
I don’t hate Doctor Who, I just don’t really care for it. I know I’m supposed to. Everyone else does. I’ve tried to like it. There’s been the black and white ones, the ones with the question mark umbrella, the ones with the bow-tie, and the ones with the guy that played “The Actor” in that episode of People Like Us. I even had a Doctor Who book that taught me about Timelords and Tardises back when I was ten. But none of them grabbed me. I just don’t feel it.
Sometimes it’s difficult to be around ”normal” people when they start talking about River Song or Daleks or Time Travelling Telephone Booths. I just don’t understand them. Sometimes, I feel broken and alone.
Regarding other “ace” things…
I think our flag is kinda ugly. It’s great that we have one, I get the symbolism, and I’ll use it where appropriate, but come on… Black and white and grey and purple bands? Looks a bit like a broken Atari game. But still… It’s mine, it’s ours, and I’ll take it. Plus, the colors themselves are fairly distinctive.
Cake. I like some cake. Not all cake, but some. I tried to get a cake for AAW in order to celebrate. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to sell cake for one. So I had to get a big unfrosted cake and some frosting to go with it. That meant I had to try to put frosting on the cake. I failed. I also thought about bringing the cake into work, but I realized that I didn’t have any kind of cake transportation device, so I’d have no way to frost it at home and still get it to the office without creating a huge mess. So much uneaten cake. Sad.
(Now I’m reminded of the “Celebrate with Cake!” ads from GTA San Andreas…)
I’m not a ring person. I tried wearing a black ring all week and I hated every moment of it. It felt like everyone was staring at it, which, I guess they’re supposed to do, since it’s for visibility and all, but… It just felt weird. It seemed like it was in the way all the time. And my fingers just aren’t built for rings. No one mentioned it, either. Next year, I’m going to have to find a bracelet or something instead, because I don’t think I can do the ring again. (The ace shirt, however… That one I can do, even though it’s not my typical style.)
Then there’s cuddles. Not a big fan of cuddles. Even with kittens. (Kittens themselves are okay, though.) Cuddles were often uncomfortable for me and I usually felt like I had to fake interest in them.
Anyway, this concludes my Asexual Awareness Week series. Stay tuned in the future, when I return to my ordinary question-and-answer/wall-of-text posts. Thanks for reading!